Excused Absences


The following students may secure an Excused Absence and Special Sick Leave due to COVID from their Associate Dean:

  • Students who are infected by COVID;
  • Students who have COVID in their household;
  • Students who are being put in isolation; and
  • Students who are having problems coping mentally with the COVID situation
  • COVID Vaccination

Step 1.

Email your College Associate Dean

Step 2.

Subject Line: [EXCUSED ABSENCE] Full Name, ID Number

Step 3.

State the following in your email:

  1. Full Name
  2. ID Number
  3. Course
  4. Date of Absence
  5. Reason/Condition for filing an excused absence
  6. Classes and Section
  7. Name of Professors
Additional Guidelines:
  1. The duration of the excused absence shall depend on circumstances;
  2. Case 1 to 3: The duration of the excused absence shall depend on circumstances as described by the physician, barangay/LGU officials
  3. Case 4: Students are urged to consult with counselors at OCCS, who shall then make the appropriate recommendations to the Associate Deans
  4. Students with excused absence due to COVID are allowed to make up for missed requirements during the leave, up to the following trimester. They may therefore be able to have their grades changed the following term after complying with missed requirements.
  5. Students with excused absence due to COVID shall be exempted from ineligibility rules for the succeeding trimester, as they may still have some of their grades changed after complying with missed requirements.